./bin/d18n --defaults-extra-file test/my.cnf --database xxxxdatabasesName --table xxxtableName --limit 10 --detect
choco install jq
./bin/d18n --defaults-extra-file test/my.cnf --database xxx --table xxx --limit 10 --detect | jq .
default: build
include test/Makefile.mysql
include test/Makefile.csvq
include test/Makefile.sqlite
include test/Makefile.postgres
include test/Makefile.oracle
include test/Makefile.mssql
include test/Makefile.clickhouse
include test/Makefile.trino
include test/Makefile.hive
include test/Makefile.h2
include test/Makefile.cassandra
# colors compatible setting
CRED:=$(shell tput setaf 1 2>/dev/null)
CGREEN:=$(shell tput setaf 2 2>/dev/null)
CYELLOW:=$(shell tput setaf 3 2>/dev/null)
CEND:=$(shell tput sgr0 2>/dev/null)
.PHONY: build
build: fmt
@echo "$(CGREEN)Building ...$(CEND)"
@mkdir -p bin
@ret=0 && for d in $$(go list -f '{{if (eq .Name "main")}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...); do
b=$$(basename $${d}) ;
go build -trimpath -o bin/$${b} $$d || ret=$$? ;
done ; exit $$ret
@echo "build Success!"
.PHONY: go_version_check
# Parse out the x.y or x.y.z version and output a single value x*10000+y*100+z (e.g., 1.9 is 10900)
# that allows the three components to be checked in a single comparison.
VER_TO_INT:=awk '{split(substr($$0, match ($$0, /[0-9.]+/)), a, "."); print a[1]*10000+a[2]*100+a[3]}'
@echo "$(CGREEN)Go version check ...$(CEND)"
@go version
@if test $(shell go version | $(VER_TO_INT) ) -lt
$(shell echo "$(GO_VERSION_MIN)" | $(VER_TO_INT));
then printf "go version $(GO_VERSION_MIN)+ required, found: "; go version; exit 1;
.PHONY: release
release: build
@echo "$(CGREEN)Cross platform building for release ...$(CEND)"
@mkdir -p release
@for GOOS in darwin; do
for GOARCH in amd64 arm64; do
for d in $$(go list -f '{{if (eq .Name "main")}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...); do
b=$$(basename $${d}) ;
echo "Building $${b}.$${GOOS}-$${GOARCH} ...";
GOOS=$${GOOS} GOARCH=$${GOARCH} go build -trimpath -v -o release/$${b}.$${GOOS}-$${GOARCH} $$d 2>/dev/null;
done ;
done ;
@for GOOS in linux windows; do
for GOARCH in amd64; do
for d in $$(go list -f '{{if (eq .Name "main")}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...); do
b=$$(basename $${d}) ;
echo "Building $${b}.$${GOOS}-$${GOARCH} ...";
GOOS=$${GOOS} GOARCH=$${GOARCH} go build -trimpath -v -o release/$${b}.$${GOOS}-$${GOARCH} $$d ;
done ;
done ;
# Code format
.PHONY: fmt
fmt: go_version_check
@echo "$(CGREEN)Run gofmt on all source files ...$(CEND)"
@echo "gofmt -l -s -w ..."
@ret=0 && for d in $$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' ./... | grep -v /vendor/); do
find $$d -name "*.go" -exec gofmt -l -s -w {} + || ret=$$? ;
done ; exit $$ret
#fmt: go_version_check
# @echo "$(CGREEN)Run gofmt on all source files ...$(CEND)"
# @echo "gofmt -l -s -w ..."
# @ret=0 && for d in $$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' ./... | grep -v /vendor/); do
# gofmt -l -s -w $$d/*.go || ret=$$? ;
# done ; exit $$ret
.PHONY: tidy
@echo "$(CGREEN)Go mod check...$(CEND)"
go mod tidy
.PHONY: check-diff
# Run golang test cases
.PHONY: test
test: mask-typo fmt
@echo "$(CGREEN)Run all test cases ...$(CEND)"
@#go test -timeout 10m -race ./...
@# modernc.org/sqlite can't pass -race
@# ==956455==ERROR: ThreadSanitizer failed to allocate 0x40000 (262144) bytes at address 600008100000 (errno: 12)
go test -timeout 10m ./...
@if test $(shell git diff --name-only test/ | wc -l | awk '{print $1}') -gt 0;
echo "Golden test file checked diff!";
exit 2;
@echo "test Success!"
# Code Coverage
# colorful coverage numerical >=90% GREEN, <80% RED, Other YELLOW
.PHONY: cover
cover: test
@echo "$(CGREEN)Run test cover check ...$(CEND)"
@go test $(shell go list ./... | grep -v parser) -coverprofile=test/coverage.data | column -t
@go tool cover -html=test/coverage.data -o test/coverage.html
@go tool cover -func=test/coverage.data -o test/coverage.txt
@tail -n 1 test/coverage.txt | awk '{sub(/%/, "", $$NF);
if($$NF < 80)
{print "$(CRED)"$$0"%$(CEND)"}
else if ($$NF >= 90)
{print "$(CGREEN)"$$0"%$(CEND)"}
{print "$(CYELLOW)"$$0"%$(CEND)"}}'
.PHONY: ci
ci: cover test-mysql test-sqlite check-diff
.PHONY: mask-typo
@echo "$(CGREEN)Auto generate mask/typo.go source file ...$(CEND)"
@cat COPYRIGHT > mask/typo.tmp
@echo "package mask" >> mask/typo.tmp
@echo "" >> mask/typo.tmp
@echo "type MaskFunc func(args ...interface{}) (ret string, err error)" >> mask/typo.tmp
@echo "" >> mask/typo.tmp
@echo "// maskFuncs support functions list, case insensitive" >> mask/typo.tmp
@echo "var maskFuncs = map[string]MaskFunc{" >> mask/typo.tmp
@go doc --short d18n/mask | grep "^func" | grep '(args' | awk -F '(' '{print $$1}' |
awk '{print """tolower($$2)"":", $$2","}' >> mask/typo.tmp
@echo "}" >> mask/typo.tmp
@mv mask/typo.tmp mask/typo.go
# check docker installed
DOCKER_CMD:=$(shell which podman 2>/dev/null || which docker 2>/dev/null)
DOCKER_RM := $(or ${DOCKER_RM}, ${DOCKER_RM}, --rm)
# read line wrap
RLWRAP:=$(shell which rlwrap 2>/dev/null || echo "")
.PHONY: docker-exist
@echo "please install docker/podman first"
@exit 1
@echo "using $(DOCKER_CMD)"
.PHONY: docker-stop
docker-stop: docker-exist
@${DOCKER_CMD} stop d18n-mysql 2>/dev/null || true
@${DOCKER_CMD} stop d18n-postgres 2>/dev/null || true
@${DOCKER_CMD} stop d18n-oracle 2>/dev/null || true
@${DOCKER_CMD} stop d18n-mssql 2>/dev/null || true
@${DOCKER_CMD} stop d18n-clickhouse 2>/dev/null || true
@${DOCKER_CMD} stop d18n-trino 2>/dev/null || true
@${DOCKER_CMD} volume prune --force
.PHONY: clean
git clean -x -f
${DOCKER_CMD} volume prune
rm -rf bin/
rm -rf release/